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Esercito russo nelle nostre gamme HF

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  • Esercito russo nelle nostre gamme HF

    Eccovi il sunto del REPORT del agosto 2015 di ben 19 pagine (scaricabile il pdf dal sito della AIR ) dal collega DK2OM ordinatore della IARU regione 1:

    Ci sono MOLTE chicche, dalle Number Station ai vari pirati e pescherecci ai militari russi nelle nostre bande OM !

    Russian OTH radar Gorodezh on 14 MHz
    The Russian OTH radar in Gorodezh (near Nizhny Novgorod) was daily causing strong QRM and often with
    splatters on 14 MHz.

    Russian MILITARY traffic increased
    Russian MIL traffic on 7 and 14 MHz increased. Modes: A1A (CW), F1B and PSK.

    The Russian Navy on 14.192 MHz on F1B was active very often. Screenshot on 14192.0 by DK2OM with
    W-Code. Showing the idling F1B with ACF = 2 (ACF = auto correlation frequency). ACF 2 means that the system is only switching between mark and space without any information.

    OTH radars 10 MHz
    OTH radars from Cyprus and Turkey often disturbed the 10 MHz-band with 50sps and 20 kHz wide signals.

    Fishery traffic now on 1.8 MHz
    I found Spanish fishermen on 1810.0 MHz

    3.504 MHz pirati italiani

    3.500 e 3.540 Mhz pescatori spagnoli con lo SCRAMBLER !!!

    7.039 MHz Cluster beacon – Vladivostok RUSSIAN Navy - “RJS” – now on 7.509 MHz

    7.000 MHz Italian pirates talking about the sea – also 11.08.2015 at 16:00 utc

    7.012 e 7.045 pescatori

    14.182 MHZ CIS-50-200 – RUSSIAN navy Kaliningrad

    C’e da notare come vi siano tantissimi pescherecci specialmente spagnoli, ma anche marocchini o russi che usano le HF e anche con lo scrambler !


    VOCI Donna russa:

    3.520 e 3.595 Mhz woman with MSGs in Russian voice NUMBERS

    7152 MHz CIS 75 encrypted, Russia

    7162 MHz CIS 75 encrypted, Russia

    10.100 MHz YL Number Station - 5 letters

    10.110 MHz A1A Number Station – 6 digit

    14.292 MHz A1A Numbers station, five number/letters

    14,280 Mhz female voice with encrypted msgs – figures – “SZRU” =

    Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine in Rivne – every Wednesday at 10:05 utc

    Per l’affascinante mondo delle Number Station rimando agli interessanti video su Youtube anche da colleghi om italiani.

    73 de IW2BSF – Rudy

    ricordo il mio articolo gratuito sulla Breve storia radioamatori italiani e Om famosi nel mondo nel mio sito wbe.
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