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ARRL10M from WRTC2022 land

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  • ARRL10M from WRTC2022 land

    ARRL 10M Contest from WRTC2022 land
    An antenna designer and propagation elmer sharing his skills
    from the land of the best contest team in the world upcoming gathering

    N1MM, thank you for the logger,
    SWS and GIRO, thank you for foF2 maps.

    Enjoy the contest, improve propagation skills, share the results
    My goal was to check foF2 maps from SWS media web site as well as to have a setup with performances comparable to those of the WRTC2022 teams, with nothing else to do except enjoying the contest.
    The yagi the teams are going to use, will be 35' height; as my tower is 70' height, we expect a 6dB more gain for the component having 5 degrees of take-off [see Propagation Handhouts, I4MFA] and maybe 1dB more for my optimized quad: running 13dB less of power, 5W QRP, means 1S-point higher for the teams compared to my Little Pistol contest configuration. As I noticed that PHONE contacts get more points respect CW, I decided to enter SOUQRPPH category and configured N1MM Logger Plus in enter-to-send mode on my 10" (Windows XP) netbook, remotely managed with a BT keyboard: I used my voice just a couple of times.

    Saturday, E-VK at 11z - 15000Km, beam ENE vs NW
    Sunday, JA at 07z - 10000Km, beam NE vs NW
    Sunday, ZL at 08z - 18500Km, beam E vs WNW
    Sunday, W-VK at 9z - 13500Km, beam ESE vs NW
    Saturday vs sunday, East Coast compare at 13z - 6500Km to 8000Km, beam NW vs NE
    Saturday vs sunday, East Coast compare at 14z - 6500Km to 8000Km, beam NW vs NE
    Saturday vs sunday, East Coast compare at 15z - 6500Km to 8000Km, beam NW vs NE
    East Coast compare - notes

    Upper left side of map is saturday at NN:00z, lower right side is sunday at NN:30z.
    Early opening: ME, NH, MA, NY, RI, CT; later, on closing: TX, LA, MS, FL, GA.
    What about propagation from WRTC2022 land to other countries?

    During the contest, either saturday or sunday, signals from FR were anytime strong. No more stations from Africa apart D4 (worked on sunday at 12:30z) with good signals. Asia from 07z to 09z. Europe on late morning, UA were the strongest stations. South America from early (12z) to late (16z) afternoon.
    ARRL10M foF2 maps

    Every 30', from 6am to 5pm, saturday and sunday, one map every 2".
    SWS maps

    YouTube video, maps start at 64"

    Good Luck In The Contest!
    File allegati
    Ultima modifica di i4mfa; 19-12-22, 19:58.
    Marco, i4mfa w4mfa

  • #2
    remotely managed with a BT keyboard: I used my voice just a couple of times.
    Si vede aveva mal di gola...
    DX ! What else !?


    • #3
      Enrico iz5cml, non avevo mal di gola ma un obiettivo preposto era
      to have a setup with performances comparable to those of the WRTC2022 teams,
      with nothing else to do except enjoying the contest

      Fra i nostri colleghi, che anche se non hanno partecipato alla CQ DX Marathon 2021 in categoria Unlimited PHone hanno partecipato ad ARRL 10M e si sono classificati #1 NA10, #14 K alla selezione WRTC2022, con primo posto al CQ WWDX 2020 sia SSB che CW (ed in quest'ultimo arrivato primo anche nel 2019) Assisted, troviamo Dean K3PA, il quale ha pubblicamente evidenziato i problemi che la voce umana possa creare durante un contest; permettimi di citarti una sua frase (collegata al quanto leggi nel mio post, As I noticed that PHONE contacts get more points respect CW):
      ...I now have to operate trying to hear with a guy a foot away almost always talking.
      I really hate that. It's a problem for me..

      Possiamo far polemica o possiamo studiare, progettare e collaudare una soluzione, condividendola:
      ... configured N1MM Logger Plus in enter-to-send mode
      on my 10" (Windows XP) netbook, remotely managed with a BT keyboard:
      I used my voice just a couple of times

      Come probabilmente tu saprai, forse altri colleghi no, N!MM mette a disposizione un logger che, quando premi enter, oltre a mettere a log il QSO parla solo con la radio, e quindi non disturba chi e' accanto, e permette di gestire quasi tutti i messaggi: please repeat the second letter of your suffix no, devi pronunciarlo con la tua voce al momento. Un possibile disagio dato da un computer e' il suo ingombro, un possibile disagio dato da un programma e' la sua ergonomia: ho utilizzato un netbook, con uno schermo da 10", posto fuori dai piedi e la minitastiera con pad collegata in BT ha consentito una ergonomica gestione del software, che peraltro non ha requisiti particolari oltre ad essere molto professionalmente (e lo scrivo con la massima cognizione di causa) realizzato.
      Anche se, rispetto allo studio della propagazione in tempo reale,
      check foF2 maps from SWS media web site
      questo obiettivo veniva al secondo posto, da vero ingegnere non lo ho trascurato!
      Ultima modifica di i4mfa; 20-12-22, 11:27.
      Marco, i4mfa w4mfa


      Sto operando...