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Event Stations for Tokyo 2020 Olympic/Paralympic Games

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  • Event Stations for Tokyo 2020 Olympic/Paralympic Games

    JARL is now operating the Special Event Stations for Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games until 5th September 2021.
    8JxOLYMPIC stations (x is a district number 0-9) are operating from various locations on weekly rotation basis.
    8NxOLP stations (x is a district number 0-9) are operating from the fixed location with a high-power transmitter for having more QSOs with overseas.

    Tokyo 2020 JARL Commemorative QSO Party is also running until 5th September 2021.
    There are 3 categories for DX stations outside Japan ranging from 20 to 2020 QSOs with JA stations.
    More details are available here

    Tokyo 2020 JARL Commemorative Award has 6 different categories requiring QSO with at least one JARL Special Event Stations.
    More details are available here

    Source: JARL

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