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If you were thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 for ham radio

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  • If you were thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 for ham radio

    You may want to reconsider that notion and just buy another Windows PC. Or a Mac.

    I still have an XP laptop and I’d never go through the exceptional hassle of upgrading to the greatness of Windows 7.

    Here’s the chart:

    Here’s the operative statement to upgrade from XP to Windows 7:
    All of the others, denoted by blue boxes, will require what Microsoft calls a “Custom Install,” also known as a “clean install”–a procedure Microsoft doesn’t even refer to as an “upgrade.”Â*For most average, nontechie consumers whose PCs have a single hard disk, that will require a tedious, painful process with the following steps: Temporarily relocating your personal files to an external drive or other computer, wiping your hard drive clean, then installing Windows 7, then moving your personal files back, then re-installing all of your programs from their original disks or download files, then reinstalling all of their updates and patches that may have been issued since the original installation files were released.

    Microsoft will provide a free “Easy Transfer” program to assist in this process, but this software won’t transfer your programs, only your personal files and settings.

    Not so much. I’ll wait.

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