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TT8TT in october 2012

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  • #61
    Re: TT8TT in october 2012

    we in vk only get a chance to work africa on 20 meters ssb from 0500 untill around 07.30 , long path.
    on 17 meters a window is open at 20.00 until 22.00 short path for ssb signals.
    but we get a wall from Japan, please call for vk,zl. You will make a lot of Amateur's very happy for even one contact with TT8TT Downunder.



    • #62
      Re: TT8TT in october 2012

      Why so bad with 160m? Even stations of Eastern Europe (from Ukraine, EuRussia) note very weak signal!
      What then to wait in Asia? No beep-beep here. :_(( They working on 100 watts or so bad antenna?


      • #63
        Re: TT8TT in october 2012

        Originariamente inviato da RZ0AF Visualizza il messaggio
        Why so bad with 160m? Even stations of Eastern Europe (from Ukraine, EuRussia) note very weak signal!
        What then to wait in Asia? No beep-beep here. :_(( They working on 100 watts or so bad antenna?
        The reason is they DO NOT know about beam headings
        They say beam JA/VK hehehehehehe
        This is NOT true as from TT to JA is 45 deg and from TT to VK is 120 deg

        Not a very good dx'pedition for ALL VK/ZL

        We are all very disappointed
        Ultima modifica di vk2hv; 13-10-12, 00:02. Motivo: mistake


        • #64
          Re: TT8TT in october 2012

          Originariamente inviato da vk2hv Visualizza il messaggio
          The reason is they DO NOT know about beam headings
          They say beam JA/VK hehehehehehe
          This is NOT true as from TT to JA is 45 deg and from TT to VK is 120 deg

          Not a very good dx'pedition for ALL VK/ZL

          We are all very disappointed

          Really funny...
          If you really think they do not know about beam headings, the next time you can go with them to work as human rotator, turning the antenna in the right direction

          (They are doing their best to please everyone)
          73 de IK7JWY Art


          • #65
            Re: TT8TT in october 2012

            Originariamente inviato da IK7JWY Visualizza il messaggio
            Really funny...
            If you really think they do not know about beam headings, the next time you can go with them to work as human rotator, turning the antenna in the right direction

            (They are doing their best to please everyone)
            Well that was a great response...

            Please tell me how they can beam JA and VK at the same time ????


            • #66
              Re: TT8TT in october 2012

              Originariamente inviato da vk2hv Visualizza il messaggio
              Well that was a great response...

              Please tell me how they can beam JA and VK at the same time ????
              They can beam at 82.5°, exactly in the middle, 37.5° both from JA and VK main direction, just 2-3db loss with a "normal" Yagi
              DX ! What else !?


              • #67
                Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                Originariamente inviato da vk2hv Visualizza il messaggio
                Well that was a great response...

                Please tell me how they can beam JA and VK at the same time ????
                There is a reason for everything. Please, don't jump to wrong conclusions before to know why something is not as we would like.

                Their antennas have a radiation pattern not very tight. The -3dB width is about 50°. Furthermore, in the exact diretion to VK-ZL they have the hotel building, right in front ! If they try to beam exactly VL-ZL, they don't hear anything from that direction. So, they put the antenna toward a middle direction between JA and VK.

                They asked if it was possible to move the antenna to another part of the park but the hotel management did not want.

                Yesterday one of the team, Stefano IK2HKT, called CQ VK-ZL for a long time, even renouncing very high rate (220 QSO/hour), but if the signals from VK-ZL are not audible, they can do nothing. All they could work, have worked. They will continue to try in the next days.
                73 de IK7JWY Art


                • #68
                  Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                  Ciao a tutti!

                  sono troppo lento in cw ,nel tempo che gli mando I Z 2 hanno già fatto un QSO

                  E' già la seconda volta che perdo gli IDT in questo modo

                  Ma nella prossima spedizione non potrebbero "assumere" anche un operatore che va in QRSS


                  Complimenti a tutti per la spedizione, scusate il messaggio scherzoso, ma il mio CW migliora in tempi biblici! Almeno non uso la macchinetta!



                  • #69
                    Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                    ti consiglio di scrivere a Silvano I2YSB o alla stazione pilota Art
                    moderatore di questo forum. Devi sapere che IDT ha già tra le mani
                    un preziosissimo operatore cw da max 25WPM ma che per una
                    questione di snobismo non lo fanno mai avvicinare alle stazioni CW!!!
                    Trattasi dell' ormai famoso IK2RZP purtroppo relegato in RTTY , dove
                    peraltro ha coperto di gloria l'IDT o in ssb nei turni notturni perlopiù
                    in 80 a fare Giappi nel QRM. Se invece di vergognarsi del suo morse gli
                    concedessero di operare anche in CW, ti troveresti benissimo.
                    Bisogna smuovere il capo. Ci vuole una mozione popolare.
                    73 firmato da un anonimo
                    Gino IK2XXX


                    • #70
                      Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                      Originariamente inviato da IK7JWY Visualizza il messaggio
                      There is a reason for everything. Please, don't jump to wrong conclusions before to know why something is not as we would like.

                      Their antennas have a radiation pattern not very tight. The -3dB width is about 50°. Furthermore, in the exact diretion to VK-ZL they have the hotel building, right in front ! If they try to beam exactly VL-ZL, they don't hear anything from that direction. So, they put the antenna toward a middle direction between JA and VK.

                      They asked if it was possible to move the antenna to another part of the park but the hotel management did not want.

                      Yesterday one of the team, Stefano IK2HKT, called CQ VK-ZL for a long time, even renouncing very high rate (220 QSO/hour), but if the signals from VK-ZL are not audible, they can do nothing. All they could work, have worked. They will continue to try in the next days.
                      ok i understand what you say you said you didnt think about vk or zl when you were planning this because you didnt care the antennas wont let you see our countries also you state that there are not enough people in vk to focus on because you dont want your 220 qso per hour rate to drop simply to allow you to work a bunch of useless countries like vk and zl
                      so i guess what you suggest is that its all about money from countries rather than to offer all an equal chance so we must agree that dxpeds are about cash and
                      your people cant plan to be fair to all countries, just the major ones with the highest radio population


                      • #71
                        Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                        Originariamente inviato da Gino
                        ti consiglio di scrivere a Silvano I2YSB o alla stazione pilota Art
                        moderatore di questo forum. Devi sapere che IDT ha già tra le mani
                        un preziosissimo operatore cw da max 25WPM ma che per una
                        questione di snobismo non lo fanno mai avvicinare alle stazioni CW!!!
                        Trattasi dell' ormai famoso IK2RZP purtroppo relegato in RTTY , dove
                        peraltro ha coperto di gloria l'IDT o in ssb nei turni notturni perlopiù
                        in 80 a fare Giappi nel QRM. Se invece di vergognarsi del suo morse gli
                        concedessero di operare anche in CW, ti troveresti benissimo.
                        Bisogna smuovere il capo. Ci vuole una mozione popolare.
                        73 firmato da un anonimo
                        Gino IK2XXX
                        Grazie Gino per il consiglio, conosco la fama di detto OM e non da meno le sue grandi e preziose potenzialità in CW, avrebbe potuto essere l'asso nella manica!

                        Un piccolo aneddoto: una sera Vinicio venne da noi in sezione a Treviglio, non ci conoscevamo e ci presentammo.... piacere Vinicio... piacere Alessio... il tuo nominativo? IZ2QCU... mmmmhhh non ti ho mai sentito... eh per forza riesco solo a mandarti IZ2... hi! HI!

                        Qui da me li ho sempre comunque sentiti molto bassi, ho la windom ed è posizionata est-ovest... sarà questo il mio (secondo) problema.



                        • #72
                          Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                          Originariamente inviato da vk2hv Visualizza il messaggio
                          ok i understand what you say you said you didnt think about vk or zl when you were planning this because you didnt care the antennas wont let you see our countries also you state that there are not enough people in vk to focus on because you dont want your 220 qso per hour rate to drop simply to allow you to work a bunch of useless countries like vk and zl
                          so i guess what you suggest is that its all about money from countries rather than to offer all an equal chance so we must agree that dxpeds are about cash and
                          your people cant plan to be fair to all countries, just the major ones with the highest radio population

                          I gave you the explanation for what you asked, but I just wasted my time. I do not like to argue with people who do not want to understand and offend the other person.
                          There is no worse deaf as those who will not hear...
                          My conversation with you ends here.
                          Good luck!
                          73 de IK7JWY Art


                          • #73
                            Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                            Originariamente inviato da IK2RZP Visualizza il messaggio
                            moderatore di questo forum.
                            HI Gino, solo per precisare che in realtà qui i moderatori sono 6:

                            73 de IK7JWY Art


                            • #74
                              Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                              Someone mentioned on the DX section of the eHam forum that TT8TT is now QRT, is that correct? Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again to the team for the new one, and I managed to work them on 3 bands (17, 20, 30) and all 3 modes (CW, SSB, RTTY) so I'm happy with that I would have loved a 10M or 40M QSO but I need a better antenna for 40 and be retired for 10 Safe travels to the team as they head for home.

                              John K7KB


                              • #75
                                Re: TT8TT in october 2012

                                HI John, what a pleasure to read you here.
                                Yes, I can confirm that the game is over:
                                They ended the operations yesterday afternoon (october 16th).
                                My congratulations for your QSOs.

                                73 and CU
                                73 de IK7JWY Art


                                Sto operando...