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CQ WPX Contest 2011 Year in Review

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  • CQ WPX Contest 2011 Year in Review

    With the WPX SSB Contest only days away it is a good time to look back at the activities of the past year.

    • WPX SSB experienced some of the best conditions on the 15 meter band ever. Record scores were set on nearly every continent. *DR1A raised the prefix record by over 200 to an amazing 1909 prefixes worked. We received a total of 5,143 logs.
    • WPX CW had even worse conditions in 2011 than in 2010 (I didn’t think that would be possible). Even so, LZ9W was able to increase the prefix record to 1365. Log submissions reached a record of 3,869.
    • WPX SSB saw 12 Yellow Cards issued for unclaimed use of assistance. There was one Red Card issued for a multi-single station that transmitted more than one signal at a time.
    • WPX CW had 14 Yellow Cards for unclaimed assistance and 5 Red Cards for more than one signal.
    • The third annual WPX Contest Survey was conducted in September, 2011. Invitations were sent to everyone who submitted a log in the 2011 WPX RTTY, SSB, and CW Contests. We received 6,500 responses to the survey with 3,584 completing the full survey.* Results are presented in 2 parts (go to part 1).
    • There were two notable rule changes for 2012. *The first is a definition of where power is measured. “Power is measured at the final output connector of the transmitter.” The second is to remove the 275Km distance limitation from the club competition.
    • Private links to log checking reports were*sent*by email to everyone who submitted a log for WPX 2010. Reports detailed*the final score,*any score reductions,*list of unique QSOs, and information on errors made by other stations working you.
    • Tzetzo, LZ2FQ, created*a new log submission tool to convert ADIF format log files into the Cabrillo format needed for the robot. This will enable users of general purpose logging software programs to easily submit their logs for the contest. Start the ADIF log conversion here.
    • CQ WPX Contest*fan page on Facebook*( has 2,090 fans!

    Thanks to everyone who participated on the air or contributed to the operation of the CQ WPX Contests. Get on the air and have fun!

    With the WPX SSB Contest only days away it is a good time to look back at the activities of the past year. WPX SSB experienced some of the best conditions on the 15 meter band ever. Record scores were set on nearly every continent. *DR1A raised the prefix record by over 200 to an amazing [...]

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