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Una testimonianza da NH8S

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  • Una testimonianza da NH8S

    ho due amici della CDXA sull'isola e nel forum arrivano anche notizie in diretta. Sperando vi faccia piacere, vi giro questa mail di N2TU , tanto per respirare un po' l'aria dall'altra parte:

    We've worked a bunch of CDXA members but want to make sure those that need it get through..although it should be a turkey shoot from there...

    We "lost" one of our team members on the boat...he sustained a major wound on his leg..I assisted in the operation to sew him back up...more on that when I get home...The operator came with us to Swains..but returned on the boat and was hospitalized in Pago Pago. Apparently, he is doing OK now.

    It is HOT here...on the coral beach, where the antennas are it hits about
    110 to 120F...putting up the antennas was a real exercise...a few of the guys became heat was a bad scene...the nighttime temps range are around 80F....yesterday, it was like monsoon season...unbelievable rain...EVERYTHING was, the tents, our clothes...EVERYTHING!

    The pileups are still quite large...I've been doing SSB, CW and is a blast!
    Any feedback on how we (not me personally) are doing???....I just finished my is about to bed (cot) and back on a shift in 6 hours....

    Lou, N2TU.

    PS... Lucy has not been located yet...probably still in one of the boxes!


  • #2
    Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

    Chissà se può contribuire a calmare i criticoni pantofolari da quersta parte del globo.....
    I.N.O.R.C. #325 - MARCONISTA #397 - A.R.M.I. #008 - C.T.I. #408 - G.R.T. #010 - N.A.Q.C.C. #3718 - S.K.C.C. #5827 - A.1.C. #1509 - "CW o zitti !"


    • #3
      Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

      ... va bene essere ottimisti Andy, ma credere nei miracoli mi sembra un po' troppo ....
      ( mi scuso per l'OT ) Silvano i4zsq
      File allegati
      I4ZSQ Silvano


      • #4
        Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

        Fabrizio, per evitare il QRM intenzionale potresti suggerire loro di cambiare frequenza il più spesso possibile quando sono attivi in 30 verso l' Europa?
        Poi in 40 sarebbe bene che facessero un po' di CW in quei brevi momenti nei quali c'è coincidenza di gray-line e si può lavorare l' Italia e i paesi mediterranei.
        Inoltre proprio a 14080 (sulla loro frequenza in RTTY) c'è spesso una nota fissa molto fastidiosa. Se riesci a dire qualcosa è un bel lavoro... vedi tu!

        Paolo I4EWH


        • #5
          Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

          Non riesco a capire....Arrivano benissimo in fonia, ma mi stanno facendo penare!
          Malpelo al confronto è stata una passeggiata, o forse sono io che mi sto stancando di fare chiama chiama.
          Cmq loro sono bravissimi, almeno per quello che mi riguarda....


          • #6
            Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

            Fanno penare perchè sono in mezzo al pacifico e i segnali devono passare molto vicino al polo nord, gran brutta zona perchè attenua moltissimo. Malpelo era da tutt' altra parte, i loro segnali volavano sopra il Messico le sue nuvole senza nessunissimo problema, arrivavano qua che sembravano lubrificati...

            Paolo I4EWH


            • #7
              Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

              Carissimi, altre fresche news dall'arcipelago delle Samoa, togliamoci le pantofole

              ...tell the guys thanks for the far, K4MD was the LOUDEST...he almost knocked my earphones off....

              We had a lot of inter-station interference...the band pass filters worked sometimes...and sometimes they weren't effective at all. We still have some but now we've identified the culprits. All the antennas are now up and working and we are beaconing on 6M but that may be an exercise in futility. We did work a few close islands but that is it. All the rigs, generators and amps are working fine.
              That lil' Elecraft amp is a work horse. You can bang away and never check the amp.

              Operating RTTY, I hit a 150 -170 per hour rate for about 20 minutes.
              And well above 125 for a three hour stint. It was phenomenal. Once the guys spread out, I was banging them out one by one. At times, the RTTY rate was above the SSB rate...unreal!

              We are concentrating on 80 and 160 which is the toughest but we have some excellent 80/160 ops and the antennas are right at waters edge so the deserving should get through. Special attention is given to grayline prop, so if you are in the gray zone, we will be looking.

              The weather is ...well HOT...impossible to sleep during the daylight hours...the temps in the tents go 120 plus. I had a glass case melt in my backpack while in my tent. You may be able to catch a nap in the coconut grove if you can fight off the mosquitoes.

              That's it for now...tell the guys to keep pounding away...we have no place to go!

              Lou N2TU

              IN3ZNR-WH0Q Fabrizio


              • #8
                Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                Mi raccomando: only EU alla loro alba e al loro tramonto, c'è un' oretta scarsa di grayline in comune! E per carità, che facciano QSY ogni due o tre minuti, a quanto pare tutti i disturbati mentali del mondo gli saltano addosso in 30 e 40 metri. Bisognerebbe avvisarli quando sono coperti dal QRM intenzionale ma immagino sia difficile, ci vorrebbe maggiore attenzione da parte del pilota europeo.

                Paolo I4EWH


                • #9
                  Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                  altre notizie fresce dall'arcipelago delle American Samoa.......buona lettura

                  Oh, what a night! Last night on the 11PM to 2AM shift, I was operating and the rain started...and then the wind...the wind blew the tents, tore some antennas down and eroded a large portion of the beach in front of the operating tents. It lasted for about 30 minutes.

                  The Islanders said it was very rare for Swains to get that kind of storm.
                  We are all ok but tired and wet!

                  We will begin dismantling the stations Sunday. The boat arrives Tuesday morning to offload the Scientific Group as we load our stuff.

                  Everyone is dreading the trip on the boat. The ocean is VERY rough and a lot of the guys got sick on the way here...of course, not me!.....

                  OK, off to work!....

                  73 - Lou N2TU
                  IN3ZNR WH0Q


                  • #10
                    Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                    mi pare che non si fanno mancare niente....
                    File allegati
                    I4ZSQ Silvano


                    • #11
                      Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                      bene ragazzi,
                      questa credo che sarà una delle ultime email da Swains Island, da N2TU
                      Buona lettura:

                      Quiet day here today...this morning we put the antennas back up but the 80M vertical will now be a 75M got "bent" over around 40 feet up...a little modification and voila', 75 Meter!
                      The 20 M SVDA also broke so we used Gorilla tape and re-bar to make a that is back up....
                      You just gotta' make do...

                      You can see in the guys eyes, some of them are really fatigued and ready to go. I've been having a ball operating the pile-ups and hearing familiar calls. The pile-ups are still pretty deep and wide and I've been surprised I haven't had a problem controlling it. For the most part, everyone has been courteous.

                      I have two hours before I go back to work. The tide is out so I'll go for a walk on the reef...the reef wild life is very diverse and you have to see the land crabs! they scare the crap outa me....


                      IN3ZNR WH0Q


                      • #12
                        Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                        Stasera QRM deliberato, puoi dirgli di cambiare frequenza spesso quando vanno in 30 e 40 metri?

                        Paolo I4EWH


                        • #13
                          Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                          No mi sono impegnato abbastanza


                          • #14
                            Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                            NOW WAR IS OVER, PEACE AROUND THE WORLD...
                            .....UNTIL 24 SEPTEMBER...

                            The web site says they will shut down at 0700z Sunday, which agrees with what Lou said. It also says they should still be on 160 tonight.

                            It seems the 160M antenna is kaput. They tried to get it going yesterday but the SWR swings wildly. Using a SWR meter, it is fine but it will not handle power.

                            The salt has gotten to it somewhere. We've changed coax, connectors and cleaned the salt off but it is still intermittent.

                            We may try again today.

                            The group will shut down at 2000 local...and get a good nights sleep then begin a two day packing ordeal. A large quantity of boxes have been destroyed by the rain, so this should be interesting!

                            On a personal note, I became violently ill last night and missed my first shift.
                            I am still recovering and will miss this shift as well. Bad, bad, bad!

                            I heard Cliff's contact yesterday..glad he made it....

                            Not much new to report. We finally opened 15 RTTY yesterday and we had massive pile-ups.

                            Say Hi to the guys///


                            IN3ZNR WH0Q


                            • #15
                              Re: Una testimonianza da NH8S

                              è apparso questo su dxworld
                              105,000 qso dal pacifico e hanno fatto contenti cani e porci dai 10 ai 40 metri in europa , e anche un orsetto italiano in 80 metri ,
                              veramente una bella dxpedition e complimenti all orsetto si c u l o in 80 metri , roba da duri e quando il gioco si fa duro i duri ci sono sempre ,

                              ops complimenti ancora più grandi a quelli che se la sono sudata sul pileup per 10 giorni di seguito per fare il qso anche se unico, con mezzi minori nei 10 giorni della spedizione

                              Ultima modifica di IK0OZD; 10-10-12, 23:16.


                              Sto operando...